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Greg Pokriki

The first thing people associate Buffalo with is snow. To a certain extent, that’s fair. But when considering a business expansion, there’s more important and damaging elements that should be measured.

The conversation for businesses should not be about weather. The conversation, and true concern, should be about risk. In which geographies is your business, or even your employees, equipment, and building, at risk of catastrophic natural disasters?

Not in Buffalo Niagara.

Trulia and CityLab named Buffalo the fourth safest city from natural disasters in 2017. The story also points out that Western New York is affordable, on top of being safe…but that’s for another story (or a few stories).

This map below from The New York Times also shows how safe from natural disasters the Buffalo Niagara region is.The New York Times disaster map

The map specifically values earthquakes lower than other disasters because of their relative infrequency, which may be why the West Coast is surprisingly covered in green circles. Though they may be infrequent, when a quake does hit, damage can be lasting. Buffalo Niagara is virtually untouched by the sprawling effects of tornado, hurricane, and earthquakes.

In the East and even throughout the Midwest, Buffalo is one of the safest areas from natural disasters. The risk for a business is significantly lower and should be considered when weighing location decisions for relocations or expansions.

Snow is fun. Snow creates a fourth season to enjoy. And, most importantly, snow melts. Hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes do lasting and irreversible damage. It’s risky business.

Instead, come grow your business with us.

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About Us

Founded in 1999, Invest Buffalo Niagara represents the eight counties of Western New York. We are the region’s nonprofit, privately funded economic development organization focused on job creation. 

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