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Carolyn Powell

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Posts By Carolyn Powell

Business Life in the Fast(er) Lane

Maybe you’re taking a meeting with a prospect. Or making your way to an initial face-to-face with an investor. Or doing a site visit with a new supplier. No matter what you’re traveling for, cross-border business moves faster than ever—and waiting in bumper-to-bumper lines at the Canada-US border isn’t the best use of your limited time.  Enter the NEXUS program, designed to move low-risk, pre-approved travelers across the border quickly. Here’s a quick primer on all your NEXUS need-to-knows.

Carolyn Powell   |     Jan 09, 2017

Pride Pak Chooses WNY for First U.S. Packaging Operation

Canadian-headquartered Pride Pak processes fresh vegetables, making ready-made salads in a bag and chopped vegetables. The company also sources raw vegetables from both the US and Canada. Pride Pak was started in 1984 and has their main office in Mississauga with another facility in New Foundland.  They currently employ over 200 people and sell to grocery retailers and into the restaurant industry.

Carolyn Powell   |     Oct 11, 2016

Making Innovation Work for Manufacturers

In my role as a business development manager for Invest Buffalo Niagara, I tour manufacturing facilities for a variety of different industries. During these tours, I always learn how regardless of the type of product produced, they are evaluating how can they make their product better, faster and more affordable.  Many of these companies are small and medium sized businesses that may not have the expertise, equipment or time in-house to evaluate their process and investigate new manufacturing techniques, or have access to high-level engineers.  Buffalo Niagara is fortunate to have a great resource available to assist and collaborate with these types of companies and explore the future of manufacturing. 

Carolyn Powell   |     Oct 04, 2016

3 Real Estate Questions International Companies Ask When Considering US Expansion

Real estate is a hot topic for international companies considering a Buffalo Niagara business expansion. Businesses owners aren’t familiar with our region’s availability of commercial properties, averages sales rate or current real estate trends.

Carolyn Powell   |     Jun 07, 2016

7 Practical HR Considerations for Canadian Businesses Expanding to the U.S.


Insight into U.S. Human Resource Policies

There are a number of differences in human resource policies between the U.S. and Canada, making it important for Canadian businesses owners considering a U.S. expansion to fully understand regulations. Policies and procedures that focus on employees and comply with Federal and State Labor laws are imperative.

Carolyn Powell   |     Feb 09, 2016

NEXUS - The Only Way To Travel

I travel to Canada a few times each month as I work to help Canadian companies expand their business into the U.S. This November, I’m heading to Montreal to meet with companies through AmCham Quebec for a program focusing on business opportunities in the State of New York for Quebec companies; the following week I’ll be engaging companies at Select USA in Toronto; and finally on November 23rd I’ll participate in the Ontario Export Awards in Mississauga. With all this travel, waiting bumper to bumper to cross the border is not the best use of time- and that’s why I have the NEXUS pass. NEXUS program is designed to expedite the border clearance process for low-risk, pre-approved travelers into Canada and the United States.

Carolyn Powell   |     Nov 09, 2015

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    Founded in 1999, Invest Buffalo Niagara represents the eight counties of Western New York. We are the region’s nonprofit, privately funded economic development organization focused on job creation. 

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