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Buffalo’s Tech Academy and How It Benefits Other Companies

Over the last few years M&T Bank has committed to a technology transformation. In doing so, M&T Bank committed to creating 1,000 tech jobs in Buffalo Niagara, coalescing its new and existing tech talent in the newly redeveloped Seneca One Tower in downtown Buffalo. 

Greg Pokriki   |     Nov 17, 2021

Coworking in Buffalo Niagara

Coworking has long offered the flexibility desired by solo-preneurs and freelancers alike. But the COVID-19 pandemic, its impacts on the economy, and work-from-home policies have increased the importance of amenity-rich coworking spaces and community building centers.

Greg Pokriki   |     Aug 25, 2021

Buffalo Niagara angel, seed & venture funding resources

Business growth and expansion requires capital. Accessibility and cost of capital are key factors in a company’s determination of how to fund growth. For early-stage, high-growth companies, raising funds from venture and angel investors in exchange for equity is critical. 

 Tags: Entrepreneur

Kim Grant   |     Jun 29, 2021

Which WNY Life Science Companies Are Following the "Critical Path" to Startup Success?

Just a one year after Steve Case’s Rise of the Rest Tour rolled through Buffalo, we are proud to be participating in a Steve Case-supported Village Capital (VilCap) accelerator program - sponsored by Rise of the Rest, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and the Sorenson Impact Center — which will help biomedical companies in Western New York. 

Alan Rosenhoch   |     Sep 29, 2016

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    Founded in 1999, Invest Buffalo Niagara represents the eight counties of Western New York. We are the region’s nonprofit, privately funded economic development organization focused on job creation. 

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