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Selling Your Ideal Candidate on Buffalo is Easy With Our Recruitment Toolkit

Have you identified the perfect candidate for your opening, but aren’t quite sure how to convince them that Buffalo really is the place to be? Look no further than our Be in Buffalo recruitment toolkit.

Greg Pokriki   |     May 05, 2021

Find the Power to Succeed

ReCharge NY is one of the state’s signature economic development initiatives. Through the program, qualifying businesses and nonprofits can focus on retaining jobs and strengthening their operations by controlling energy costs with stable, predictable pricing. 

Kim Grant   |     Mar 25, 2021

Recreating Possibilities: The rebirth of manufacturing

For several reasons—from rising wages in emerging countries, to a growing appetite for US-made goods, to recognition of the abundant resources in our own backyard—the manufacturing industry is poised for revival, and helped along by investments from the private and public sectors. Areas like Western New York have abundant resources and tools to get in on this promising momentum as well.

Alan Rosenhoch   |     Feb 14, 2017

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    About Us

    Founded in 1999, Invest Buffalo Niagara represents the eight counties of Western New York. We are the region’s nonprofit, privately funded economic development organization focused on job creation. 

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