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Find the Power to Succeed

ReCharge NY is one of the state’s signature economic development initiatives. Through the program, qualifying businesses and nonprofits can focus on retaining jobs and strengthening their operations by controlling energy costs with stable, predictable pricing. 

Kim Grant   |     Mar 25, 2021

Localizing Buffalo Niagara supply chains

In 2019, Buffalo Niagara’s manufacturing industry imported nearly $11 billion in goods from other regions across the U.S.  For plastics and adhesives, and electrical equipment suppliers Buffalo-Niagara looks outside our region for these products 80%+ of the time.  Locating in Buffalo Niagara to feed the local supply chain is a great option for businesses to capture this marketing share.

Rob Leteste   |     Mar 03, 2021

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    About Us

    Founded in 1999, Invest Buffalo Niagara represents the eight counties of Western New York. We are the region’s nonprofit, privately funded economic development organization focused on job creation. 

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